Please provide the following information in order to determine your eligibility for the Voucher Incentive Program. The following criteria must be met in order to be eligible.
- Current on taxes and do not owe any fees to the City of Fresno
- The rental unit cannot be a subsidized property
Ex. Tax Credit, Project Based Voucher (PBV), Project Based Rental Assistance (PBRA), Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD), Low Income Public Housing (LIPH)
- The rental unit must be registered with the City of Fresno and located within boundaries of City of Fresno
If not registered, go to Code Enforcement | Rental Housing ( to register today!
Check Council district locator if the rental unit is located within the City of Fresno boundaries
- Landlord cannot be debarred from Fresno Housing
- If more than three units owned, must have a business license