Rent Affordability Calculator
Click here to access the Rent Affordability Calculator ( Last updated: April 2023)
Use this tool to determine if you are eligible for a specific unit you are interested in.
Click here to access the Rent Affordability Calculator ( Last updated: April 2023)
Use this tool to determine if you are eligible for a specific unit you are interested in.
The amount of subsidy Fresno Housing will pay on your behalf is determined by your income and the Housing Authority Payment Standard.
Fresno Housing will verify your income and determine an amount that is 30% of your monthly adjusted income.
This amount is shown on your application form or transfer confirmation letter.
Fresno Housing may negotiate rent amount based on rent reasonableness.
Fresno Housing pays directly to the owner the difference between the payment standard and your 30% monthly adjusted income.
You pay the difference to the owner as your share of the rent. This difference may exceed 30% of your monthly income. However, whenever a family moves to a new unit, the family’s share cannot exceed 40% of their monthly adjusted income. After the first term of the lease, the landlord may raise the rent. The Housing Authority will apply a rent reasonableness test to every new lease. Therefore proposed rent amounts are not guaranteed.
Payment standards and Utility Allowances are subject to change.
The calculator will assist you in estimating your initial rent.
The values in the calculator were updated on April 7, 2022.